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Media Center>All Things Video Games & Game Reviews Part II
Gonzo 10:39 AM 08-31-2015
Hey all, you know the deal...
The other thread hit over 1,000 posts and we have server issues when that shit happens so here she be, a fancy new mega thread.

Anyway, just a quick rundown.

Post anything and everything gaming in here. Console games, handheld/mobile games or PC.

Playing something you love or maybe hate? Find a hidden gem on Steam? Let us know via a review. Try to make sure you give a good rundown on it. Graphics, sound, storyline, overall gameplay and replayability. Let's keep it at a 1-10 scale.

Thanks to all that left me awesome rep comments/posts and even pm's thanking me for the many reviews I wrote.
Just an FYI, developers do read our comments in here I guess. CD Projekt Red (of Witcher 3) was one that stopped by.

Anyway, thanks all for your input and as always, no griefing.
Sofa King 12:35 PM 02-10-2022
I'm ready for Horizon Zero Dawn Forbidden West to come out. First game was amazing.
ToxSocks 01:18 PM 02-10-2022
GTA 6 confirmed, with speculation about a 2024 release.
AdolfOliverBush 01:19 PM 02-10-2022
Originally Posted by Detoxing:
GTA 6 confirmed, with speculation about a 2024 release.
I'm only excited if we can still murder prostitutes.
Indian Chief 01:33 PM 02-10-2022
Originally Posted by Sofa King:
I'm ready for Horizon Zero Dawn Forbidden West to come out. First game was amazing.
I've got it pre-ordered. I think I'll need to schedule some PTO.

I also have Gran Turismo 7 on order.

Saw a Chrono Cross remaster announced today as well.
tredadda 01:58 PM 02-10-2022
Originally Posted by Indian Chief:
I've got it pre-ordered. I think I'll need to schedule some PTO.

I also have Gran Turismo 7 on order.

Saw a Chrono Cross remaster announced today as well.
Won't lie, I loved Chrono Cross. If a remake comes to the PS4/PS5 I would definitely jump on it.
Frazod 04:13 PM 02-10-2022
Originally Posted by Sofa King:
I'm ready for Horizon Zero Dawn Forbidden West to come out. First game was amazing.
Obviously a few years late to the party, but I just wrapped up the first one yesterday.

I really enjoyed it initially, but after a while it just got tedious. Got really sick of all the climbing and getting dogpiled by a dozen lethal monsters at once. And that dogshit melee weapon..... fuck that was infuriating. I think I was almost at level 40 before I was able to finally mod the goddamn thing. And how in the hell were there no guns anywhere? That made zero sense.

Still, it was really cool and I enjoyed the story. It was very reminiscent of Elex.
SuperChief 11:33 AM 02-11-2022
Originally Posted by Frazod:
Obviously a few years late to the party, but I just wrapped up the first one yesterday.

I really enjoyed it initially, but after a while it just got tedious. Got really sick of all the climbing and getting dogpiled by a dozen lethal monsters at once. And that dogshit melee weapon..... **** that was infuriating. I think I was almost at level 40 before I was able to finally mod the goddamn thing. And how in the hell were there no guns anywhere? That made zero sense.

Still, it was really cool and I enjoyed the story. It was very reminiscent of Elex.
The story was what really drew me into that game - of course the hot and heavy stuff at the end (the older stuff, not the tribal stuff). I thought that stuff was incredible and legit made my jaw drop a few times.
kcxiv 01:19 PM 02-11-2022
Originally Posted by Barret:
Is anyone trying out Lost Ark? Feels like Path of Exile but better graphics and PvP availability. I guess it is free to play tomorrow but you could have spent some money to get access already.
lost ark has been really fun so far. i hit 43 lastnight before i passed out. Ill probably pull an all nighter and hit 50 tonight as i wont be able to play until late evening. I picked the female gunslinger. Fun class, but its not going to be for everyone, she's a fast twitch playing character. YOu get in, deal massive damage and get out asap. lol
htismaqe 02:20 PM 02-11-2022
I spent about 8 hours exploring the starting island in AC Odyssey - completed all the locations and quests and everything and explored a bit on foot - only to be greeted by the opening credits afterwards. This game is huge. :-)
Rausch 03:42 PM 02-11-2022
Originally Posted by Tnerped:
Thanks for this. Brings back many memories and I will be buying this tonight.
I'm full on addicted. It's amazing how an idea can be so simple while being so fun. The replay value is huge due to specific breeds being released only after so many years or so many achievements.

What's also fun is the tourney scene. There are a number of Youtube channels that run viewer/sub tourneys you can enter your monster into. So you can raise a monster in the 1p mode and enjoy just playing the game for a month and then before it retires you can freeze it and upload it to steam for use in tournaments.

Mr.Moosebones runs tourneys and does the play by play like he's Romo or something. He's got an amazing dry humor and a genuinely nice guy.

It's also a game you can enjoy with your kids or grandkids.
Imon Yourside 04:29 PM 02-11-2022
Originally Posted by lcarus:
Yes I've played a little bit of it. So far so good. It'll keep me occupied until Elden Ring.
Dying light 2 is amazing but buggy, over 500 hours of story and side missions fully voiced....good stuff.

Love the fact it has a lot more human factions and less zombies as I'm kinda zombied out and the parkour is amazing..has my palms sweaty at times. :-)
Imon Yourside 04:38 PM 02-11-2022
Originally Posted by Barret:
Is anyone trying out Lost Ark? Feels like Path of Exile but better graphics and PvP availability. I guess it is free to play tomorrow but you could have spent some money to get access already.
Lost Ark starts out good then the fetch quests get kinda boring, it IS a Korean MMO after all. It's done pretty well but makes my fingers hurt after a bit, I'll play it from time to time but really waiting for Last Epoch to get coop then i'm going to jump into that. I always thought POE was ugly and I don't pvp.
Fish 04:52 PM 02-11-2022
Originally Posted by htismaqe:
I spent about 8 hours exploring the starting island in AC Odyssey - completed all the locations and quests and everything and explored a bit on foot - only to be greeted by the opening credits afterwards. This game is huge. :-)
Odyssey was easily my favorite one. I put a lot of time into that one. The sailing part of the game is a blast.
tredadda 10:23 PM 02-11-2022
Originally Posted by htismaqe:
I spent about 8 hours exploring the starting island in AC Odyssey - completed all the locations and quests and everything and explored a bit on foot - only to be greeted by the opening credits afterwards. This game is huge. :-)
I wasn’t joking when I said that I played over 100 hours on it. Game is huge. Wait till you start slaughtering forts, fighting conquest battles (and to a point naval battles) because you can, and hunting down mercenaries higher on the food chain from you, again because you can. Or fighting 3-4 mercenaries at the same time because you have maxed out your bounty. When you get to it, a great time is killing soldiers in Athens and watching your bounty skyrocket. You will fight civilians, soldiers, and mercenaries all at the same time. It’s a grand massacre at your hands. Great times.
Fish 12:01 AM 02-12-2022
LOL, yeah by the end of my last AC:Odyssey playthrough I was a walking god. I don't remember how many hours it took but it was bonkers. I had a bunch of fire based gear, and I could just mow through crowds. Regenerating health, and burning more bitches than the Catholic church.
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