All the time it smells nasty and honestly no matter what she wears, it's always gross smelling. She has a clean bill of health, just a nasty odor. She cleans it regularly, but it has a fishy smell, and white toilet paper left behind pieces. She goes to the obgyn, but they say nothing is wrong. She took a yeast infection pill, but the smell never left. I'm really worried about it. What can the smell be?
Originally Posted by Raiderhader: :-) Naw, I DID miss this back then and so I read through it earlier. When you said you missed it I was all :-) So I did a quick check. You have a couple of other posts as well.
*cautiously backs out of the thread, until it all blows over* [Reply]
Had a friend who said his girlfriend at the times pussy smelled so bad he was going to bottle it for a fish attractor...he said he would wash his finger several times and the odor wouldnt come off.
I said we could name the fish attractor "PERMACARP".... :-) [Reply]
Originally Posted by KC-TBB:
Had a friend who said his girlfriend at the times pussy smelled so bad he was going to bottle it for a fish attractor...he said he would wash his finger several times and the odor wouldnt come off.
I said we could name the fish attractor "PERMACARP".... :-)
Originally Posted by KC-TBB:
Had a friend who said his girlfriend at the times pussy smelled so bad he was going to bottle it for a fish attractor...he said he would wash his finger several times and the odor wouldnt come off.
I said we could name the fish attractor "PERMACARP".... :-)
My roommate when i was stationed at McDill hooked up with this chick. We went to hang out at her place one weekend with a few other people. He and said chick decided to head to the bedroom which was right off the living room. When they were done and came back out, the funk was so bad that everyone just excused themselves and left. Later on, i asked him if that was his first time with her. He said no, and that he liked the smell. I guess there's someone for everyone [Reply]