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Media Center>*The NEW Movies Thread*
Bowser 11:09 AM 01-04-2014
Old one is crapping out the server, per the new guidelines.

Browse the old thread that is chock full of goodness here -
SAUTO 05:06 PM 10-19-2015
Originally Posted by Sweet Daddy Williams:

Reminded me of the funnier parts of 'Do the right thing'.
I thought it was half stupid.

Sweet Daddy Hate 05:37 PM 10-19-2015
Originally Posted by JASONSAUTO:
I thought it was half stupid.


The Franchise 12:06 PM 10-20-2015
Took the kids to see Hotel Transylvania 2 this past weekend. Wasn't too bad considering I knew what it was going to be heading into it. Kids loved it....that's all that matters.
stumppy 07:29 PM 10-20-2015
Originally Posted by Pestilence:
Took the kids to see Hotel Transylvania 2 this past weekend. Wasn't too bad considering I knew what it was going to be heading into it. Kids loved it....that's all that matters.
Took the grandson sunday. I thought it was ok, granson wasn't overly thrilled with it.
Baby Lee 12:30 PM 10-21-2015
Oscars for a movie about mops? Only in the hands of David O. Russell.

Rausch 09:30 AM 10-22-2015
Originally Posted by Baby Lee:
Oscars for a movie about mops? Only in the hands of David O. Russell.

From experience, the business of mops is much less sexy than Hollywood makes it...
ThaVirus 12:16 PM 10-28-2015
Coming from a big fan of Ancient Egypt and its mythology, The Pyramid sucked.

It was basically As Above So Below but in an Egyptian pyramid as opposed to the Parisian catacombs and obviously lacking the Christian religion overtones.

The CGI blew dicks and the Anubis reveal really ruined the movie.


ThaVirus 09:38 PM 10-28-2015
Chappie was cute. It had some laughs and some cries.

Kingsman was entertaining. I'll probably never watch it again, though.
Baby Lee 04:32 PM 11-02-2015


I've heard several people go into a spiral trying to explain this movie, and each were so hyped about the experience they couldn't be bothered to put together cogent sentences. But wherever Charlie Kaufman is involved I don't doubt it a bit.
Coochie liquor 04:41 AM 12-29-2015
Watched a pretty good b horror movie last night. Was called We Are Still Here. Prob one of the better ones I've seen in a while.
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Fish 05:12 PM 12-29-2015
So I found this movie the other day. Never heard of it when it came out. But I was pleasantly surprised. Rollins was awesome. Dark comedy horror. The movie has a few flaws, but overall it was really entertaining.

SAUTO 09:47 PM 12-29-2015
Making a murderer. No ideaif its new lol

Half way through it and holy shit it sure seems like a rail job
-King- 12:58 AM 12-30-2015
Watched Jason Stathams Wild Card on the plane.Decent time waster if you're flying but it's as simple as a movie can get. He basically kicks every bad guys ass regardless of how many there are or what the situation is. I don't think he even gets touched the whole movie.
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Coochie liquor 04:36 AM 12-31-2015
Watched Alpha Dog, it's a little older, but was a good movie.. Not sure if it's based on a true story, but was a good watch.
ThaVirus 10:40 AM 12-31-2015
The one with Justin Timberlake?

That was a good movie, IIRC.
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