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Nzoner's Game Room>Hunting type things.....
Iowanian 02:27 PM 10-02-2003
Its fall. Bow season has opened in at least Missouri and Iowania. I thought we could discuss related topics. Tips, braggin', near misses....

relay your hunting stories, pics and tips here.

anti hunting types.....find another corner to squat in.
Delaney37 07:41 AM 11-20-2016
On a good note, my buddy hunted pheasants around Russell this past week. Did very well and said the bird population was great!
ghak99 09:20 AM 11-20-2016
Originally Posted by Buehler445:
Yikes. I've considered putting big ass fences up around all my fields but there is no way that's feasible. Fuck people.

I hear you on the getting old business. I felt about 300 when I climbed off the combine. Fuck combines.

I know I've mentioned it here before, but we had bagged up 10,000 bushel of corn and we had posted it no hunting. Opening weekend of pheasant season there was a pile of beer cans around the no hunting sign and they had cut open the bag with a snowstorm in the forecast. We got it hauled out but I was fit to be tied.

Fuck people.
I had two electric fence wires with shiny new straight cuts on them right in the middle of straight stretches and cows out this morning. Coincidence, I'm sure.
Buehler445 09:24 AM 11-20-2016
Originally Posted by ghak99:
I had two electric fence wires with shiny new straight cuts on them right in the middle of straight stretches and cows out this morning. Coincidence, I'm sure.
They can't climb over a 2 wire electric fence? WTF? I suppose maybe if they were coming out with a deer, but you'd have seen evidence of that.

Fuck people.
ghak99 09:30 AM 11-20-2016
Originally Posted by Pointer19:
This sounds like some shitty luck. Is it illegal to booby trap your own land?
Unfortunately, it is. They sue the fuck out of you for their injuries and come out the winner, by far.

We were even advised to remove the bottom sections of the ladders on our bins to keep people from being able to climb up them by our insurance agent. Apparently, meth heads like to climb up them and look around. As if a trespasser climbing on something they don't own and falling off should in any way be the owner's liability. It's getting ridiculous.
Buehler445 09:35 AM 11-20-2016
Originally Posted by ghak99:
Unfortunately, it is. They sue the fuck out of you for their injuries and come out the winner, by far.

We were even advised to remove the bottom sections of the ladders on our bins to keep people from being able to climb up them by our insurance agent. Apparently, meth heads like to climb up them and look around. As if a trespasser climbing on something they don't own and falling off should in any way be the owner's liability. It's getting ridiculous.
Agreed. We just have 2 crappy old bins that are BYOL. I haven't had to mess with any of that noise yet. I did have some dumbshits try and steal some anhydrous a few years ago. That was moderately entertaining.
kjwood75nro 11:48 AM 11-20-2016
Originally Posted by Delaney37:

If you've hunted for anytime in my area more than likely you have had to deal with these pieces of whale dung, supposed business men. I personally have run into them a couple of times over the years. Arrogant good for nothing poachers. All the ethical hunters around here knew what they were doing but the wardens could never get the charges to stick. It finally took a young man getting killed by one of the brothers and the arrogance of the other to finally get them. I hope they both rot in hell!
And now that Kansas gives poached wildlife back to the landowners, and the judge ordered financial restitution to the landowner in that case, that mount is STILL in dispute.

Still won't go to auction because now everybody claiming to be the landowner is fighting over who should get it.
Delaney37 09:34 PM 11-28-2016
Originally Posted by ghak99:
Unfortunately, it is. They sue the **** out of you for their injuries and come out the winner, by far.

We were even advised to remove the bottom sections of the ladders on our bins to keep people from being able to climb up them by our insurance agent. Apparently, meth heads like to climb up them and look around. As if a trespasser climbing on something they don't own and falling off should in any way be the owner's liability. It's getting ridiculous.
NSFW due to language from trespasser.

How about using a paint grenade? No harm done just paint everywhere along with a skid mark or lump in the pants.:-)
ghak99 10:38 AM 11-29-2016
Originally Posted by Delaney37:
NSFW due to language from trespasser.

How about using a paint grenade? No harm done just paint everywhere along with a skid mark or lump in the pants.:-)
This is hilarious and the video was discussed on several hunting forums. I'm no lawyer and don't pretend to be one, but many of the concerns of those who are were the loaded gun and him shooting himself or someone with him while disoriented. Apparently, in many states planting traps of just about any kind on your own property and intending to do harm to someone who is just "lost":-) leaves you seriously exposed.
Delaney37 02:05 PM 11-29-2016
Originally Posted by ghak99:
This is hilarious and the video was discussed on several hunting forums. I'm no lawyer and don't pretend to be one, but many of the concerns of those who are were the loaded gun and him shooting himself or someone with him while disoriented. Apparently, in many states planting traps of just about any kind on your own property and intending to do harm to someone who is just "lost":-) leaves you seriously exposed.
"Lost" ,yeah right :-) So basically landowners are left with 2 options the way I see it.
1. Ignore the problem or
2. Physically confront the trespasser. I say this since up to this point the sob has ignored any signage, as do most of these scumbags.
I can see option 2 getting quite dicey if both parties are armed. I don't own any decent hunting land as of yet and it's quite obvious if I did I'd have fewer "rights" than the lawbreaker :-) Stinks!
threebag 04:36 PM 11-30-2016
3 big Canada Geese today.
ghak99 05:30 PM 12-21-2016
Thought this was interesting.

Not that MDC gives a shit, but it's getting passed around social media and collecting signatures fairly quickly.
Delaney37 08:17 PM 03-22-2017
It's about that time again! Spotted these 2 longbeards with a single hen at SE 31st & Fremont in Topeka while at work. It's a vacant lot behind Church's Crappy cell phone pic at 100 yards or so but the hen is being bred by the longbeard on the left.

HonestChieffan 08:59 PM 03-22-2017
Drove from south of KC to Superior Ne today on Highway 36....birds were serious strutting at daybreak and again this evening
LiveSteam 10:05 PM 03-22-2017
Yup. It's that time.
ghak99 08:08 AM 04-17-2017

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