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Media Center>*The NEW Movies Thread*
Bowser 11:09 AM 01-04-2014
Old one is crapping out the server, per the new guidelines.

Browse the old thread that is chock full of goodness here -
-King- 11:34 AM 08-22-2015
Originally Posted by ThaVirus:
Gone Girl was really interesting. I was legitimately on the edge of my seat first trying to figure out what happened to her, then to see how she would get out of the predicament she placed herself in, and finally to see if she'd get her comeuppance.

For a movie that I had absolutely no interest in seeing, I was pleasantly surprised.
Ending was trash though.
The Franchise 11:41 AM 08-22-2015
Originally Posted by -King-:
Ending was trash though.
Yep. My wife had read the she knew what was coming. I stood up after the end and gave her the look of "seriously!?"
ThaVirus 12:49 PM 08-22-2015
Ending was so fucking bad. Left me so dissatisfied.

Everything up until about the last few minutes was great though.
kcchiefsus 05:19 AM 08-24-2015
Originally Posted by Stop, Chiefs:
Watched To Die For with Nicole Kidman.

First of all, a wonderful reminder of what a treasure she once was. My god, the scene with her in lingerie...

Second, I think Joaquin Phoenix was typecast by his role in this film because he's basically played the same sniveling cunt, to some degree, in every other role he's been in, whether it was Gladiator or Signs or Her.
Haha, Clay calling someone else a sniveling cunt...
ThaVirus 11:45 AM 08-24-2015
I re-watched 12 Years A Slave.

That's a tough one to watch. It was really well done, though, with an all-star cast.
Fish 11:49 AM 08-24-2015
I watched The D Train last night.

What the motherfucking fuck was that movie? JFC.....

I won't give away the unexpected plot twist that the movie centered around, but let's just say I probably won't catch any more Jack Black movies again. Nearly turned it off 1/3 of the way through, and I never stop movies in the middle.

Buehler445 12:47 PM 08-24-2015
Originally Posted by ThaVirus:
I re-watched 12 Years A Slave.

That's a tough one to watch. It was really well done, though, with an all-star cast.
Yeah, damn tough to watch. But I'm glad I did it.
thabear04 01:56 PM 08-24-2015
Saw Gone Girl that's one crazy bitch.
Fairplay 10:22 PM 08-24-2015
Originally Posted by Buehler445:
Yeah, damn tough to watch. But I'm glad I did it.
Why is it tough to watch? I never seen it.
ThaVirus 11:02 PM 08-24-2015
Originally Posted by Fairplay:
Why is it tough to watch? I never seen it.
It's a movie about a free man from Washington DC that gets kidnapped and transported down south where he's sold into slavery. Honestly, the moments that are heartbreaking and/or make you feel highly uncomfortable are too numerous to count.

If you're into movies whatsoever you should watch it.
-King- 01:49 AM 08-25-2015
Just watched Unbreakable. Very very good movie. Back when M Night was actually good.
Sweet Daddy Hate 02:30 AM 08-25-2015
Watched 'Child 44' over the weekend. Highly recommended.
Pepe Silvia 12:52 PM 08-25-2015
Yeah Gone Girl was pretty good.
The Franchise 12:53 PM 08-25-2015
Originally Posted by -King-:
Just watched Unbreakable. Very very good movie. Back when M Night was actually good.
It's his best movie.
frankotank 01:08 PM 08-25-2015
Originally Posted by -King-:
Just watched Unbreakable. Very very good movie. Back when M Night was actually good.
yeah it's very cool.
I'm surprised and disappointed there's never been a sequel.
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