I didn't know Mr. Flopnuts in real life, but I was always curious about his CP nickname. Does anyone know the origin story behind it? I was never sure if it was in reference to something kind of gross, or if he was an avid poker player.
Originally Posted by stevieray:
Thanks for posting the full pic.
God, what a .memory.
I will miss him always. This is the second friend I've lost in two months.
Ah, didn't see you had posted one of the same group.... I went to Seattle with Slayer the week prior to the bash, so those ~10 days or so were awesome, including bringing a 6 (er, 5) pack of Alaskan Amber back from Seattle for Flop... and capping it all off with that game and halftime/3rd quarter downpour.
Can't believe that was 10 years ago, but in the sense that it feels like a lifetime ago, given the relative frequency of CP gatherings back then. A few years later, IIRC, I met up with Flop and luv for a preseason game, and we ended up at P&L... he was larger than life, as many have said in this thread. [Reply]
I'm so sorry. My only Facebook friend from Chiefsplanet. I don't even remember how it happened. But I've followed his struggles over the years. RIP Flopnuts. [Reply]