and built it. even though they admitted they only needed a couple of inches of two inch pipe instead of three feet, the feeder...
in five minutes, the chicken feed was all over the ground. i should sue these people for false advertising.
so i thought, it's close, but i can do better. you see not only do i have a need to keep seed off the ground, and dry outside, but need to keep away from the birds, and as well not have to refeed every three days.
so i did this (i still plan to tweek the designs, but when refined somewhat am actually going to approach a local produce supply shop here to sell):
Originally Posted by Bob Dole:
That is what a real Rottie should look like. Those giant headed abominations are not true to the breed.
I had no idea, every so called Rot I've ever seen had the huge build and powerful looking head... what are they being crossed with to get that look? [Reply]
Originally Posted by Bowser:
Condolences, man. It sucks hard to have to be in a position to have to chose to do that.
Originally Posted by stumppy:
Sorry to hear that man. It fucking sucks.
Thanks. It was definitely one of the hardest decisions ever. She was 14 and had heart failure. Started collapsing and not being able to control her bladder. It was time. [Reply]