Alright, we all know that the rules of the bet created by Phil state one pic at the end of each month. As of whatever time it says at the top left corner of this post, this is the place goatcheese and slayer are to post those pictures. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Bearcat:
rel="Lightbox"?attachmentid=37143&stc=1" border="0" alt="" class="tcattdimgresizer" onload="NcodeImageResizer.createOn(this);" />
I'm not sure either of those would qualify as a beard. However, gochiefs does sorta resemble a 17 year old amish boy that has been married for a couple months. 'Course, we know it's gochiefs so the actual marrying of a girl is out of the question. [Reply]
Originally Posted by PastorMikH:
I'm not sure either of those would qualify as a beard. However, gochiefs does sorta resemble a 17 year old amish boy that has been married for a couple months.
I think a 17 year old Amish boy would have more hair than that. [Reply]
Originally Posted by PastorMikH:
I'm not sure either of those would qualify as a beard. However, gochiefs does sorta resemble a 17 year old amish boy that has been married for a couple months. 'Course, we know it's gochiefs so the actual marrying of a girl is out of the question.
It was a facial hair contest, not a beard contest.
I had more, so I won. Slayer opted out and saved himself 11 more months of embarrassment. [Reply]
Originally Posted by PastorMikH:
I'm not sure either of those would qualify as a beard. However, gochiefs does sorta resemble a 17 year old amish boy that has been married for a couple months. 'Course, we know it's gochiefs so the actual marrying of a girl is out of the question.