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Media Center>The Walking Dead ***With Comic Spoilers*** (Part 2)
Fire Me Boy! 03:01 PM 10-02-2014
Sunday Nights at 9pm/8pm (Central) on AMC. Premiere for Season 5 is Oct. 12.
vailpass 10:28 AM 12-02-2015
Originally Posted by InChiefsHell:
I watched it that night, and I was like...WTF? You're going to stop? Get out? Leave your guns?

Shit, between Rosita letting the Wolf guy disarm her and then Daryl, Sasha and Abraham just letting themselves get taken...

This is friggin' stupid...pisses me off.
Not to mention Red had a frigging RPG. Who knows though, maybe he'll grab it...
Fire Me Boy! 02:36 PM 12-02-2015
Apparently Coral is trying to be cast as young Han Solo in the standalone.
KC_Lee 09:08 AM 12-31-2015
Mid season trailer, not much in the way of content.

eDave 01:40 AM 01-01-2016

I'm watching the AMC marathon. Just saw the van off the bridge scene again.
Fire Me Boy! 10:13 AM 01-01-2016
I like Rick With a Beard better than Rick Without a Beard. I miss Crazy Rick.
Baby Lee 06:55 PM 01-15-2016

Sure-Oz 11:46 AM 02-08-2016
Image that will spoil something. Once in the link you have a choice to reveal it. Comic fans already know
KC_Lee 01:09 PM 02-08-2016
Originally Posted by Sure-Oz:
Image that will spoil something. Once in the link you have a choice to reveal it. Comic fans already know
I was wondering about that, looks like it's going to happen. What will be interesting is how the dynamic between two people will change.
Sure-Oz 09:50 PM 02-10-2016 first 4 minutes of midseason debut. Embed please
Gadzooks 10:57 PM 02-10-2016

kepp 08:46 AM 02-11-2016
Oh man...can't wait
InChiefsHeaven 11:24 AM 02-11-2016
KC_Lee 11:26 AM 02-11-2016
So I read a more comprehensive spoiler regarding the premiere. I won't post it here in order to avoid temptation, even with spoiler tags.

I can only describe what I read as an angel defecating...HOLY S**T!!!
Fire Me Boy! 11:29 AM 02-11-2016
Originally Posted by KC_Lee:
So I read a more comprehensive spoiler regarding the premiere. I won't post it here in order to avoid temptation, even with spoiler tags.

I can only describe what I read as an angel defecating...HOLY S**T!!!
Post the goddamn link or :-) about it! :-)
Mr. Plow 11:33 AM 02-11-2016
Originally Posted by KC_Lee:
So I read a more comprehensive spoiler regarding the premiere. I won't post it here in order to avoid temptation, even with spoiler tags.

I can only describe what I read as an angel defecating...HOLY S**T!!!
I've always taken a spoilers don't bother me approach to this series - likely because I had read the comics essentially up to the end of the fall break & even though it wasn't word for word, they mildly followed each other so I was somewhat aware of what was coming.

But, my knowledge of the series ended when they went on break - so now I'm likely to avoid spoilers. I'm even avoiding the first 4 minutes posted above until Sunday.
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