Say you've been with a girl for awhile, and your about to move in together. She goes to the bars with a few friends once every week or two and doesn't like you to come with. Her friend meets a guy and they start hanging out with his friends, and after a few weeks your girlfriend is going to a movie alone with one of the friends but she says its "just as friends". What would you do or think? [Reply]
Originally Posted by Calcountry:
Fug all that, just ask her to swap cell phones whith you for a day. If she hesitates at all, tell her the following. "It has been nice knowing you, but it's over. I just want you to know one thing, I will always fondly remember F****ng you".
Not another word after that, change your cell phone number and move on.
Even if someone is completely honest I wouldn't want to switch phones with them...that's just awkward and what if you don't like each others friends..
That's just begging to ask for all sorts of problems. [Reply]