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Nzoner's Game Room>Hunting type things.....
Iowanian 02:27 PM 10-02-2003
Its fall. Bow season has opened in at least Missouri and Iowania. I thought we could discuss related topics. Tips, braggin', near misses....

relay your hunting stories, pics and tips here.

anti hunting types.....find another corner to squat in.
HonestChieffan 06:57 PM 11-14-2013
Originally Posted by seclark:
some dipshit ****ing poacher shot a nice buck I've been watching all fall right on the north line of my property. cut off the head and let the rest lay. :-)

noticed it this morning laying about 30 yards from the road and thought, "wtf...that's a nice sized deer, but no horns?" so I just drove out there and looked. dirty bastards just shot it from the road and cut the head off.

been seeing lots of strange trucks slowly driving the road the last week or so. a-holes are checking shit out.

called mdc and reported the deer poached and some gal says, "it's archery you think someone just shot it and couldn't find it?" I said, "well, they found the ****in head, didn't they?"

i'm pissed. now i'll have to get rid of the damn thing myself.
I hate road hunters. I hate poachers. I totally hate trespassers. Fuck that.
SAUTO 08:42 PM 11-14-2013
That's BS sec.
Posted via Mobile Device
ChiefsCountry 08:46 PM 11-14-2013
Originally Posted by seclark:
some dipshit ****ing poacher shot a nice buck I've been watching all fall right on the north line of my property. cut off the head and let the rest lay. :-)

noticed it this morning laying about 30 yards from the road and thought, "wtf...that's a nice sized deer, but no horns?" so I just drove out there and looked. dirty bastards just shot it from the road and cut the head off.

been seeing lots of strange trucks slowly driving the road the last week or so. a-holes are checking shit out.

called mdc and reported the deer poached and some gal says, "it's archery you think someone just shot it and couldn't find it?" I said, "well, they found the ****in head, didn't they?"

i'm pissed. now i'll have to get rid of the damn thing myself.
Damn man I'm sorry. Poachers are the lowest scum on earth.
Buehler445 10:45 PM 11-14-2013
Originally Posted by philfree:
Poachers suck. Any roosters this year?
Not many at all man.

This spring was epic dry and it hurt the already low numbers. Hopefully this stupid drought is done and we can get back to raising something. Critters included.
Fish 11:37 PM 11-14-2013
Pheasant sucked this year. Worst year I've ever seen. We ended up with 7 last weekend out in western Kansas. We normally bag anywhere from 30-75 birds over the weekend hunting at the same locations.

Buehler445 11:42 PM 11-14-2013
Were you up north again, Fish?
Fish 12:39 AM 11-15-2013
Thomas county, KS. Near Colby. Usually some of the best bird hunting you can find.
Fish 07:29 PM 11-15-2013
One of them buckethead bucks...

Brianfo 09:05 PM 11-15-2013
Good luck to all hunters and be safe. I'm going to introduce my boys to hunting this year. They are young and dumb. Lord help me to be a good father.
philfree 09:07 PM 11-15-2013
Originally Posted by Fish:
Thomas county, KS. Near Colby. Usually some of the best bird hunting you can find.
That's a sad state of affairs. There are no pheasant in SW Mo as you probably know but at one time it was decent quail hunting territory. I hunt some conservation ground and I don't expect to harvest a lot of quail. So far this year I've been out 3 time with my dogs. The first two times out I found a covey and killed one quail each day. The third time out I found no birds. I didn't mind as I had a good day just following my dogs around.

I know it was really dry out west but around here we had plenty of rain. I'm wondering how far east the drought was. I might have a place by Lewis, KS to hunt. That's a little east of Dodge so I'm wondering if they got any rain around there.

I'm going to have to a preserve and shoot some quail and maybe some chukar just so my dogs can have some fun but I also need to find a good place to hunt wild birds.
ChiefsCountry 09:09 PM 11-15-2013
Originally Posted by philfree:
That's a sad state of affairs. There are no pheasant in SW Mo as you probably know but at one time it was decent quail hunting territory. I hunt some conservation ground and I don't expect to harvest a lot of quail. So far this year I've been out 3 time with my dogs. The first two times out I found a covey and killed one quail each day. The third time out I found no birds. I didn't mind as I had a good day just following my dogs around.

I know it was really dry out west but around here we had plenty of rain. I'm wondering how far east the drought was. I might have a place by Lewis, KS to hunt. That's a little east of Dodge so I'm wondering if they got any rain around there.

I'm going to have to a preserve and shoot some quail and maybe some chukar just so my dogs can have some fun but I also need to find a good place to hunt wild birds.
Coyote population is too high.
philfree 09:14 PM 11-15-2013
Originally Posted by ChiefsCountry:
Coyote population is too high.
Bobcats and Flying Coyote's as well.
BigOlChiefsfan 10:04 PM 11-15-2013
And don't overlook that farmers plant a lot more fescue these days, good cattle fodder but hard on quail birds. Growing up around brome/red top/timothy and clover we had tons of quail. Fields of fescue don't have 'em - the chicks can't find their way thru the clumps of fescue is what I heard, but all I know is 'long time ago good, now no good'
Iowanian 10:21 PM 11-15-2013
I've still been too busy and too obligated to get in a tree more than once so far this year.
This morning, when I was working due to a call last night, instead of hunting like I had tried I've tried several times.....I get a text from my brother, who did it again.

Sonnabitch got his target buck again.
tooge 10:38 PM 11-15-2013
My son is 11. I got him a .243 for his birthday. We sighted it in and he's gonna have a go at his first deer hunt in the morning. Wish us good fortune. We will be hunting from a blind over a pasture that we usually see deer in the am.
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