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Media Center>*The NEW Movies Thread*
Bowser 11:09 AM 01-04-2014
Old one is crapping out the server, per the new guidelines.

Browse the old thread that is chock full of goodness here -
Buehler445 09:09 AM 02-17-2015
So, is Snowpiercer any good? It's on Netflix and I remember there being some discussion about it, but damn if I can find it.
unlurking 11:08 AM 02-17-2015
Originally Posted by Buehler445:
So, is Snowpiercer any good? It's on Netflix and I remember there being some discussion about it, but damn if I can find it.
Rausch 11:51 AM 02-17-2015
Originally Posted by Coochie liquor:
Enjoyed Gone Girl. Good story.
Yup. Much different than I expected. Very well acted.

Also saw "Better Living Through Chemestry" with Sam Rockwell. Good little comedy on netflix. I'd give it 3.5 of 5 stars...
L.A. Chieffan 01:56 PM 02-17-2015
Finally watched Enemy. I know it's been discussed on here a little bit, but what are everybody's theories on that. I have mine but it's still very open to interpretation.
Baby Lee 02:30 PM 02-17-2015
Originally Posted by lewdog:
I liked Wolf on Wall Street. Amazing how believable DiCaprio can be in any role he plays. If only he didn't do that fucking Titanic movie.
This is more impressive, IMO.

This Valentine's day.

BigMeatballDave 02:42 PM 02-17-2015
Originally Posted by lewdog:
I liked Wolf on Wall Street. Amazing how believable DiCaprio can be in any role he plays. If only he didn't do that fucking Titanic movie.
Titanic was 17 years ago. He wasn't a huge star until after that.

I'd say Titanic helped propel his career.
Coochie liquor 02:52 PM 02-17-2015
Originally Posted by L.A. Chieffan:
Finally watched Enemy. I know it's been discussed on here a little bit, but what are everybody's theories on that. I have mine but it's still very open to interpretation.
I've heard tons of theories. Anything from the spider representing his mistress, to the spider representing him being caught in the life he doesn't like. Even heard one that the whole movie takes place in his mind, as we never see anything but his thoughts. Crazy!
eDave 02:52 PM 02-17-2015
Originally Posted by -King-:
What was wrong with him in Titanic?
He might just not like the movie. But it's clear that he is a better actor now. Which I dig.
lewdog 05:16 PM 02-17-2015
Originally Posted by -King-:
What was wrong with him in Titanic?
How do people not think that as a horribly acted movie? I mean, it was so over-dramatically acted it was insane. And I know I am not the only one that thinks that. He got much better at acting after that movie.
Coochie liquor 07:01 AM 02-18-2015
The Beach is one of my fave Leo movies!
Baby Lee 09:16 AM 02-18-2015
Originally Posted by lewdog:
How do people not think that as a horribly acted movie? I mean, it was so over-dramatically acted it was insane. And I know I am not the only one that thinks that. He got much better at acting after that movie.
I never thought it was an acting movie at all. It was an incredibly researched and executed big screen melodramatic spectacle.
Nzoner 03:45 PM 02-18-2015
Originally Posted by Coochie liquor:
The Beach is one of my fave Leo movies!
Good call,my other favs would include

What's Eating Gilbert Grape
This Boy's Life
Blood Diamond
Coochie liquor 06:21 AM 02-19-2015
Originally Posted by Nzoner:
Good call,my other favs would include

What's Eating Gilbert Grape
This Boy's Life
Blood Diamond
Forgot about Gilbert Grape! I'm gonna have to go watch that again.
ThaVirus 10:36 AM 02-19-2015
I know it wasn't technically his movie but I loved him in Django.
ThaVirus 10:39 AM 02-19-2015
Django Unchained, Titanic, Catch Me If You Can, Inception, Wolf of Wall Street, Gangs of New York (which is actually never liked)..

That's a pretty impressive list. Not many can match that. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Tom Hanks..

Plus Leo's got some other low key good movies like The Beach, Shutter Island, Gilbert Grape, Blood Diamond..

How was the Great Gatsby? I love Leo but was just never interested enough to watch that one.
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