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Nzoner's Game Room>Hunting type things.....
Iowanian 02:27 PM 10-02-2003
Its fall. Bow season has opened in at least Missouri and Iowania. I thought we could discuss related topics. Tips, braggin', near misses....

relay your hunting stories, pics and tips here.

anti hunting types.....find another corner to squat in.
jspchief 09:29 PM 09-14-2004
I'm going into my third year of bowhunting and am a certified addict. It just makes shotgun hunting seem so lame. Unfortunately, I'm not really looking forward to this year's bow season. The land I used to hunt has been bought up and is slated for development, and the landowner and I had a falling out over business matters so I won't be hunting his other stuff. I'm sure I'll still get some pheasant hunting in, but I'll probably lose this year's bow season for lack of hunting ground.

Here's a shot of my first deer harvested with a bow.
Attached: 104-0445_IMG.JPG (54.9 KB) 
Iowanian 02:59 PM 09-15-2004
thats a nice buck.

I know its not as good as private property, but you could locate some public hunting areas and still bow hunt..........maybe get in on the "urban herd reduction" thing inside the city limits.
Duck Dog 03:15 PM 09-15-2004
Originally Posted by philfree:
Hunting type things... :-)

I'll pay good money to hunt birds if anyone here has a farm with birds. Just me and my dog and maybe one more gun. And since it's your land you can come too. I'll still pay of course...........

PhilFree :-)

Where do you live?
Duck Dog 03:30 PM 09-15-2004
Spring '04

Duck Dog 03:31 PM 09-15-2004
Spring '04, day 2

Chiefnj 04:02 PM 09-15-2004
Originally Posted by jspchief:

Here's a shot of my first deer harvested with a bow.
You should just retire from bowhunting. It's gonna be tough to top that deer; at least in NJ it would. Congrats.
philfree 06:21 PM 09-15-2004
"Where do you live?"

I live in Springfield. Not to many good places to find quail around here and no Pheasants of course. I don't mind driving if there's birds though. I used to hunt up around Maryville but the guy who put me on the ground gave up his best ground because the lease went up. So after a few poor outings on his other ground I haven't been back for a couple years. He wasn't to expensive and a real nice guy. Really all my old haunts are pretty much dried up. Change of habitat and to much pressure from treaspassers and those damn gut eatin' cyotes. (sp? just don't look right)

PhilFree :-)
Duck Dog 07:07 PM 09-15-2004
Originally Posted by philfree:
"Where do you live?"

I live in Springfield. Not to many good places to find quail around here and no Pheasants of course. I don't mind driving if there's birds though. I used to hunt up around Maryville but the guy who put me on the ground gave up his best ground because the lease went up. So after a few poor outings on his other ground I haven't been back for a couple years. He wasn't to expensive and a real nice guy. Really all my old haunts are pretty much dried up. Change of habitat and to much pressure from treaspassers and those damn gut eatin' cyotes. (sp? just don't look right)

PhilFree :-)
I can hook you up with a good friend of mine in Kansas. He lives in Clay county. North central KS. Well worth the drive. I used to live there and there is a ton of birds. He has a few thousand acres of private land and his dad and grandpa lease another 5K to KS. fish and game. I go back every year.

Everyone I know in Missouri are waterfowl, deer and turkey hunters.

Your more than welcome to come up to MN, if you want.
philfree 08:08 PM 09-15-2004
Originally Posted by :
I can hook you up with a good friend of mine in Kansas. He lives in Clay county. North central KS. Well worth the drive. I used to live there and there is a ton of birds. He has a few thousand acres of private land and his dad and grandpa lease another 5K to KS. fish and game. I go back every year.
That would awsome. What town is close to there? Seneca? If you're serious why don't make sure it's cool with your friend and PM me.

Thanks Duck Dog,

PhilFree :-)
Duck Dog 08:18 PM 09-15-2004
Originally Posted by philfree:
That would awsome. What town is close to there? Seneca? If you're serious why don't make sure it's cool with your friend and PM me.

Thanks Duck Dog,

PhilFree :-)

It is 30 miles NW of Manhattan. The nearest town is Clay Center.

It will be cool with him. He's guided before and he loves to make a little cash taking people hunting.

Clay Center has hunter friendly hotels that let you bring your dog in.

I'll PM you my info so we can work out the details.
Jenson71 08:20 PM 09-15-2004
Today someone told me it was great we got rid of that gun ban so now he could buy an assault weapon and hunt deer with it.
Jenson71 08:22 PM 09-15-2004
Originally Posted by Jenson71:
Today someone told me it was great we got rid of that gun ban so now he could buy an assault weapon and hunt deer with it.
"Okay, let's go...."
"Wait, did we remember to pack the grenades?"
"Yeah, they're right next to the AK-47."


Ah, some people....
jspchief 08:24 PM 09-15-2004
Ignorance kills...
Duck Dog 08:26 PM 09-15-2004
Originally Posted by philfree:
Thanks Duck Dog,

PhilFree :-)
No problem. Your welcome. I love hunting and know others do to. I take virtually everyone who asks to go.

And hey, it's one of the best things about I/N BB's.
Skip Towne 08:27 PM 09-15-2004
Originally Posted by Jenson71:
"Okay, let's go...."
"Wait, did we remember to pack the grenades?"
"Yeah, they're right next to the AK-47."


Ah, some people....
Hey, I want to hunt too. Can I bring my F-16?
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