Here's my only (for now) dive into any stupid ref discourse.
If you're going to play "change the calls," you've gotta wipe out a BUF TD before the half (FS on LT) and pull them off the GL late in the 3rd (FS on 2nd down).
You know that "spot" play that people are showing a bad angle of and screaming about? Watch the RG.
It's a split second, but he's early (again, barely). And that's kinda hilarious after all the discussion surrounding the play.
Hilarious that Buffalo got away with a false start on the infamous 4th down play. Gotta love the irony of people bitching about the refs allegedly screwing Buffalo on that play. [Reply]
Theres bad or missed calls for every team in every game. I didn't even care about the missed facemask. Sometimes they just don't see it. It happens. [Reply]
This is great. But of course, idiots will defend their narrative to the bitter end. The outrage over the Worthy catch call is hilarious. That call going our way 100% benefitted the Bills as it was a penalty (which we all know but narrative idiots leave out or legit “forget”) on Buffalo anyway and the Chiefs would’ve been able to take much more time off of the clock before half had the play been called incomplete and the 5yd first down penalty been accepted. [Reply]
His second point is nonsensical... Split second... Fraction of a second. It's imperceptible to the human eye.
But the first one he's absolutely correct and the League could correct it every time and refuses to do so. I've never thought the league was fixed but I firmly believe it is incompetent. [Reply]
Guys, we can appreciate what people like Seth are doing but it's never going to amount to anything.
No amount of evidence or analysis is going to change things. We live in an era where truth doesn't matter. It's all about having your feelings validated.
This isn't going to change anything because data requires people to think. That's just not who we are as a society. It's about how we feel and the whole world feels that KC is cheating.
This will end when the Chiefs dynasty does. Not before. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Garcia Bronco:
His second point is nonsensical... Split second... Fraction of a second. It's imperceptible to the human eye.
But the first one he's absolutely correct and the League could correct it every time and refuses to do so. I've never thought the league was fixed but I firmly believe it is incompetent.
I mostly agree. It’s pretty well timed - just like Jawan Taylor.
The reason this play should be held to a higher standard is that RG’s left arm is used to signal the center and begin the play. You can’t simulate the start of a play like that. The center can’t extend his snapping arm a half second early and then re bend it, why should the guard? Only the QB can fuck around like that. [Reply]
Would this whole "ref" narrative change if the Chiefs were blowing people out by 30 points? Like 42 to 14 type games.
Its very easy to poo poo a team when they win by 1 score. OMG The Refs affected the outcome, if only the Refs hadn't stepped in right here and let them win. But does this all change if the Chiefs are the greatest show on turf and are putting up 50 burgers on teams? "Well that was a bad call there but gosh who cares they won by 27." [Reply]
Would this whole "ref" narrative change if the Chiefs were blowing people out by 30 points? Like 42 to 14 type games.
Its very easy to poo poo a team when they win by 1 score. OMG The Refs affected the outcome, if only the Refs hadn't stepped in right here and let them win. But does this all change if the Chiefs are the greatest show on turf and are putting up 50 burgers on teams? "Well that was a bad call there but gosh who cares they won by 27."
The primary narrative is debunked by simple volume stats. It's easy to show that the Chiefs don't get favorable calls in volume.
But the fallback argument is the "timing". They wouldn't even be able to pay that card if the games weren't close. [Reply]