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Media Center>Amazon Prime: Invincible
Bowser 10:44 AM 10-15-2023
Season 2 trailer

BWillie 10:40 AM 11-25-2023
So, it looks like its a cartoon
crayzkirk 10:42 AM 11-25-2023
It's been a bit, ahem, underwhelming...
BigBeauford 10:49 AM 11-25-2023
At this point, I'm tempted to just buy the comics. The story is the best part, but they are really dragging this out.
staylor26 11:21 AM 11-25-2023
New epsisode was fucking fantastic.

I have no idea how people can complain at all about this show. It's already easily one of the best adult animated series ever.
staylor26 11:22 AM 11-25-2023
Originally Posted by BWillie:
So, it looks like its a cartoon
Congrats on figuring out that an animated show "looks like a cartoon".
ThaVirus 02:36 PM 11-25-2023
Originally Posted by staylor26:
New epsisode was fucking fantastic.

I have no idea how people can complain at all about this show. It's already easily one of the best adult animated series ever.
Agreed. I really enjoy the show.
Sure-Oz 04:45 PM 11-25-2023
Originally Posted by staylor26:
New epsisode was fucking fantastic.

I have no idea how people can complain at all about this show. It's already easily one of the best adult animated series ever.
Exactly. I'm enjoying this alot.
Stryker 04:47 PM 11-25-2023
Loved the first season. Just binged season 2 this morning. I loved it! Awesome series! :-)
Sure-Oz 04:48 PM 11-25-2023
Originally Posted by BigBeauford:
At this point, I'm tempted to just buy the comics. The story is the best part, but they are really dragging this out.
It's awesome seeing it on screen. I have read ahead of where we are now and definitely enjoying both. Some stuff improved I think on screen. We haven't scratched the surface of where this story will go.
Bowser 07:29 PM 11-25-2023
Originally Posted by BigBeauford:
At this point, I'm tempted to just buy the comics. The story is the best part, but they are really dragging this out.
The graphic novels are definitely worth it, but I feel they've done well with the show to this point. The subplot with Mark's mom and girlfriend gets a little grating (the girlfriend is a twat in the comics) so I get your point there. But it really is worth it to dredge through those storylines. Promise.
Gravedigger 07:57 AM 11-27-2023
Yeah they've actually streamlined alot of plot so far to get to what is covered in this episode in the comics. The showrunner said he could see it being like 7 seasons or something, when I heard that I was kinda shocked. They'll have to prune storylines to get it in 7 seasons especially with the villains they still have to introduce. With Angstrom Levy being introduced this season, they're kinda rushing his arc and I can see what these next four episodes are going to cover. Time is a very weird medium in the comics, months, years, decades pass over a matter of issues throughout the series, but they're definitely skipping beats to get there.
BigBeauford 08:26 AM 11-27-2023
Originally Posted by Bowser:
The graphic novels are definitely worth it, but I feel they've done well with the show to this point. The subplot with Mark's mom and girlfriend gets a little grating (the girlfriend is a twat in the comics) so I get your point there. But it really is worth it to dredge through those storylines. Promise.
I have no doubt. There are some aspects to this show which are really great. I just think it's fair to point out there is a bit of filler, the Guardians have been completely skipped over in Season 2, and the animation is pretty shit. Doesn't mean it's not a good show, but for a 2 year wait, it's a bit disappointing that the show looks so low budget and comes with a mid-season break.
Tribal Warfare 11:17 AM 02-15-2024

Gravedigger 11:36 AM 02-15-2024
Good god, that's alot to cover in what 4 or 5 more episodes? Can't wait.
Bowser 11:34 AM 12-08-2024

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